Joshua Crumbaugh

Joshua Crumbaugh is a captivating and globally renowned cybersecurity thought leader, esteemed author, and sought-after keynote speaker. With an illustrious career in ethical hacking, Joshua possesses an unrivaled track record of effortlessly breaching even the most fortified networks. His extraordinary accomplishments extend beyond digital barriers, as he has masterfully executed ingenious social engineering exploits, infiltrating impregnable fortresses like bank vaults, Fortune 500 data centers, corporate headquarters, exclusive casino zones, and numerous other restricted domains. Such unmatched expertise in the realm of security instilled in Joshua a deep conviction that transformative action was imperative. Consequently, he founded PhishFirewall, where he currently serves as the visionary Chief Technology Officer. Joshua Crumbaugh stands unrivaled as one of the world's foremost ethical hackers, spearheading a new era of cybersecurity excellence.
Cyber Inspiration
Joshua Crumbaugh