
Introducing our first season and topic SASE

SASE combines many functions (CASB, SWG/CSWG, ZTA/SDP, Firewall as a Service, IAM, SDWAN, DLP, DNS security, and many more). The topic is so broad that we decided to cover it by multiple seasons.
Evgeniy Kharam
July 17, 2020

We decided to break the episodes into Seasons. Every season will have a different topic. We may come back to a particular Season later if we see a significant change in the industry or technology.

Our first topic/season is Secure Access Service Edge(SASE), a term that was coined by Gartner in 2019.

SASE combines many functions under its umbrella (CASB, SWG/CSWG, ZTA/SDP. Firewall as a Service, IAM, SDWAN, DLP, DNS security, and many more). Since the topic is so broad, we decided to break it into several Seasons and only touch on the part related to end-users browsing to the internet (Inline CASB, Secure Web Gateway, Firewall as service, SDWAN, DLP)

Our guest for the kick-off episode of the SASE topic was Anton Chuvakin. We have nine vendors as part of the first season.

As part of our vendors' discovery, we saw five primary types of vendors that play under the SASE umbrella.

- Traditional SWG

- Native Cloud Security Web Proxies

- NGFW companies

- CASB Companies

- SDWAN Companies

We think we were able to invite a mix of such companies to show the audience where each company is unique; we believe that the audience will find that each company brings its own value, approach, and features.

Here is a list of some exciting features and facts we learned and discovered while interviewing the vendors:

- Risk-based policy to allow or block access

- SIEM based platform on top of SASE

- Provisioning to SDWAN vendors for plug and play deployment

- Security on top of a variety of protocols

- Report of maturity for the boards and upper management

- Browser isolation for selected traffic

- Dynamic block of newly registered domains

- Conditional access depends on user device health

- Inline inspection OEM to ISPs or other hardware vendors

- API connectivity to other technology partners for better inspection and information sharing

- Integrations with 3rd party companies for threat intelligence feeds

- Integration with leading EDR EPP solutions

- OEM solution in the consumer product

VP of Solution Architecture